
Well, hey there. I bid you a marginally-awake and so only semi-enthusiastic welcome to the online resource page for What Fresh Hell is This? Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities and You. Despite menopause being big freaking business right now, in this precise moment there is still barely...

In the immediate aftermath of the 2016 United States Presidential election, Heather and s.e. smith created this compact but comprehensive survival guide -- available both online and as a printable chapbook -- to provide information to help young people protect themselves and others, to reduce...

Femmerotic (2000 - 2009) was an online hub for sex-positive, primarily queer and/or women-led independent online media of the era, including sites like Scarlet Letters, Nightcharm, Libido magazine, Technodyke, Fatale Media, Babeland, Daze Reader, the personal sites of Susie Bright, Geoff Cordner and Ducky Doolittle,...