Rebel Well: A Starter Survival Guide to a Trumped America

Rebell Well

In the immediate aftermath of the 2016 United States Presidential election, Heather and s.e. smith created this compact but comprehensive survival guide — available both online and as a printable chapbook — to provide information to help young people protect themselves and others, to reduce harms and to cope with any resulting fears, hardships and trauma.

A web version of Rebel Well is available here, as well as information on how to use it. Una versión en español de la guía está aquí, y el archivo imprimible en español también se adjunta a continuación.

Printable PDF versions:

creative commons license

Rebel Well is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please feel free to share and distribute this as widely as you like either online, by printing copies of the attached PDF version, or both. This was created for free, wide distribution.

Any additional translations are appreciated and invited, so long as all original contributor attribution, copyright information on this page and content of the guide remains intact and otherwise unchanged. If you do translate, please share your version with the authors. If you’d like access to a Word or Pages file of the guide to make translating it easier, or wish to adapt the content of this guide to update it and/or make a version more culturally relevant for their own groups or communities, please contact Heather.

Rebel Well was created with the help of these additional contributors: Edith Corona (Spanish translation), Jaclyn Friedman, Karyn Fulcher, Riley Johnson, Carson Jones, Pam Keesey, Pamela Merritt, Ashleah Nelson, Cassandra Quick, Karen Rayne, Isabella Rotman (cover art), Sam Wall and Wagatwe Wanjuki.

Some information in Rebel Well was excerpted or adapted from S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties.